Information Commonly Requested on Applications
Ready to apply for funding? Thisapplication information document provides lots of information commonly requested on applications (all those Federal identifiers, numbers, and dates), an overview of how to apply and overview about using human subjects and animals in research at UNE. This document will guide you through many questions that come up in this process.
Rate Agreement
The rate agreement document (PDF) sets our Facilities and Administrative Cost rate (aka Indirect Costs) at 42.00% of a Modified Total Direct Cost base for on-campus projects and 18.00% of MTDC base for off-campus.
IRS Determination Letter
The most recent official IRS letter stating our tax-exempt 501(c)3 status (PDF).
Using the Foundation Directory Online
This foundation directory instruction sheet (PDF) guides you through using the online foundation directory.
Before approaching any foundation, small or large, please check with Marci Barnard in Institutional Advancement at (207) 221-4419.
Using Pivot
All members of the 91直播视频community have access to this powerful search tool. You will need to create a username and password using your 91直播视频email address the first time you visit.
Faculty minigrant applications
The 91直播视频Mini-Grant program provides intramural funding that helps support faculty research and scholarship at the 91直播视频.