Contact Us

Mailing Address
Office of the Provost
11 Hills Beach Road
Biddeford, ME 04005

Administration and Professional Staff


Headshot of U N E provost Gwendolyn Mahon
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bush Center 304
Mike Sheldon
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Decary Hall 118
Headshot of U N E Associate Provost of Research and Scholarship Karen Houseknecht
Senior Associate Provost
Vice President for Research
Professor of Pharmacology
Pickus Center for Biomedical Research 105 and College of Pharmacy 308
karen pardue
Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives
Professor, School of Nursing and Population Health
Alumni Cottage 202
Headshot of U N E employee Colin David Pears
Associate Provost for Student Success and Chief Retention Officer
Headshot of Shannon Zlotkowski
Assistant Provost, Community and Belonging
Ripich Commons 225

Professional Staff

Headshot of Sandy DeLuca
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Jennifer Mandel
Associate Director of Assessment
Decary Hall 414A